A short function aiming to give a rough overview of INL and column mismatch effects on images in a column-parallel ADCs in CMOS Image Sensors. For now it works only with 8 bit images. Some bugs in the file read functions, not supporting all image formats could be existent.
Here are some examples of images with various INL and column mismatch:
An attempt to model randomly distributed INL was also made, however in practice ADC INL is correlated and will not necessarily be so random. Basically random INL would appear as random noise on the image. Anyway it is a good example of what would happen if theoretically we have randomly distributed INL.
You can try-out the script it is available here. It is also available at Matlab Central.
Lately some nostalgy on the old plenty-of-time days has caught me. I was randomly looking through the pages, being in the process of updating and adding-up old work when I came to one of the not-very-latest versions of the source code of the AWS. I realize that I have not posted it, it might be that someone could actually benefit from it...or?
Anyway, you can find it here. You can also find the board and schematics here.